The Green Rose for St. Patrick’s Day

The Green Rose


Is there a pot of gold for us lovers of roses?  For all the Irish in all of us, we can say we have a green rose, not St. Patrick rose which only has a tint of green, but a real green rose.  It is Viridiflora ‘Rosa Monstrosa’ otherwise known as The Green Rose.  The buds are small, oval, of soft bluish green color and quite beautiful.  The petals of the bloom reverted back to leaves (petals are modified leaves) and it does not have reproductive organs.  The “blooms” are usually formed in clusters throughout the year, and a spray of this rose is wonderful.   As you would expect from an Old Garden Rose, this one is fragrant too.  It has a spicy fragrance.  But unless you know what you’re looking for, it is hard to find the bud since the bush is totally green.  But is it really a rose?  The Green Rose is just that, a green rose.  It blooms continually through the season.  The small plant grows to 3’ tall and has few thorns.  It can be grown in a pot, and is rarely out of “blooms”.


It is an oddity and a conversation piece to say the least.  Just as when you present your friend with a perfect rose and they ask “Is that real?”, I bet you this same person will tell you this one is not a rose.  However, records say The Green Rose has been in cultivation as early as 1743 and is a sport from Rosa Indica (The China Rose of England and the Daily Rose of America).  So take pride, we have our own green to celebrate. 


“May the sun shine warm upon your face


May the rains fall softly upon your rose beds.”


Try it.  You might like it.  People either love or hate this rose   It is a wonderful rose to use as a filler material in arrangements or as a landscape rose. But you will have some visitors in your garden who will say “That is the ugliest flower I’ve ever seen.  Why do you give it space?” Because it is unique and fragrant. It is also a rose and it belongs to my rose collection.